Monday, March 16, 2020

Wildlife Refuge essays

Wildlife Refuge essays Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, located in Butte County of Northern California, serves many purposes to surrounding communities, including wildlife. Divided in two segments, this refuge serves the wildlife and recreational desires of visitors; one segment is for the waterfowl to rest, and the other designated for hunting. Approximately 50,000 visitors come to this Wildlife refuge every year. Various activities and events bring spectators of nature and sport hunting year round, regardless of weather. Hunting is only allowed three days a week in the season designated. Visitors travel here to observe waterfowl in courtship activities, migration, or to bird watch in general. Of the 50k visitors every year, 15,000 are hunters. Through fees paid for the privilege to hunt this protected area, the hunters pay for the luxury of viewers or spectators. Grey Lodge Wildlife Area when first bought in 1931, being only 2,500 acres and 9,200 acres presently. An abundant water supply is needed to manage this area, with most water coming from Lake Oroville. Although a wildlife refuge areas are initially viewed as natural, they factually are not different from any ranch. The land is totally managed, with the same tactics and equipment, with one thing different; this being the harvesting of crops. All crops are actually harvested by the waterfowl and wildlife. In parts of the year, marshes are burned, and some land is disked to regenerate new growth. The management of this area is a 365-day job, with flooding, seasonal hazards, and poachers. Forty percent of management time is spent on water management, being the whole livelihood to the refuge area. Along with bird watching sites and special segments for hunting, there are special access sites for the disabled hunters. These are special blinds accessible with a placard from the Department of Motor Vehicles, and are an outcome from the Americans with Disabilities A ...